My daughter was injured at birth. She was unable to move her right shoulder, arm, hands or fingers. It wasn’t very long after Laura began working with us that we saw huge improvement. I could not recommend Laura any more, she truly is gifted!

S. H. Auburn, CA

What is CranioSacral Therapy?

CranioSacral Therapy is a profoundly gentle and effective method of addressing the health of the CranioSacral membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. The sessions release restrictions to increase the function of the central nervous system, thereby improving the body’s immunity, and affecting a wide range of medical problems associated with pain and dysfunction.


When we are born, the bones of the skull overlap at their sutures in order for babies head to travel down the birth canal. After the birth, when all goes well, those sutures revert back to their positions to allow babies brain the optimal space needed to develop. But sometimes, this process is interrupted by necessary birth complications, c-sections or accidents after birth, resulting in pressure on the growing brain. CranioSacral Therapy can help by freeing those restrictions, improving fluid flow and allowing waste products to be removed and fresh nutrients to be restored to the growing brain. This prevents problems down the road with developmental or learning challenges. Since, initially, the baby is fully immersed and at one with it’s parents, it can be helpful for the whole family to receive treatment.

For a more detailed explanation by Dr Upledger of how CranioSacral supports newborns please click here

  • Sleeping

  • Latch/Feeding issues

  • Colic/Digestion

  • Ear Infections

  • Torticollis

  • Plagiocephaly

  • Seizures

  • Birth Trauma

Older Children

For older children, I have seen huge benefits from CranioSacral alone and, when combined with the other therapies that I offer, it has been heartwarming to see the profound changes in learning, behavior and happiness. If a child is not comfortable laying still I have toys they can play with on the table and I simply work around them. My first priority in working with a child is to build connection and gain permission so that the time spent together is perceived as fun.

  • Learning difficulties/ADHD - Read more

  • Autism - Read more

  • Ear Infections

  • Behavior challenges

  • Concussions

Babies and children have a different structure to the cranial bones than adults, and many bones are in multiple pieces until a child is older. For this reason it is important that anyone working with this age group have additional training in pediatrics. I have gone through the advanced pediatric curriculum at the Upledger Institute, as well as having experience in teaching infant massage for many years.